Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Gluten-free two ways

     There are two ways to go gluten-free, I have discovered. One way is to replace all the gluten-laden foods in your diet with foods created from gluten-free ingredients. These ingredients tend to be heavy on the sugar and refined carbs, and low on the fibre and micronutrients. This way is likely to result in weight gain, and is likely to be expensive.
     The second way is to remove all the gluten-laden foods from your diet. Period. This way also recommends removing grains in general from your diet. You eat basically lean meats and fresh veggies and fruit. This way is likely to result in weight loss, and is likely to be less expensive than the way you are eating now.
     It is never easy to totally revamp our way of life. I have had to removed nearly all fats, and all gluten-containing foods, and dairy ... the list seems endless, and daunting. But I persevere.And so can you.
     Keep your stick on the ice. We're all pullin' for ya!

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